Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to Build a Small Pub Table

How to Build a Small Pub Table

The addition of a small pub table to your recreation room will provide a place to set your drinks or maybe just sit and talk. Building this type of table using standard available pieces can be very quick and easy. A typical pub table has a round top and a pedestal support underneath.


Build the Pedestal


    Cut the 8-foot post into three separate pieces. One, 36 inches long and two matching 24-inch-long pieces.


    Measure and mark the center of both of the 24-inch-long pieces.


    Lay one of the 24-inch pieces over the other 24-inch piece to create an equal cross shape. Mark a line along both pieces where they meet each other.


    Cut and notch the 24-inch pieces at the center so that they fit together in a cross shape. You want the two separate pieces to fit together flush and even.


    Mark the center point where the two 24-inch pieces cross then drill a shallow hole about 1 inch in diameter about 1/4-inch deep. A simple 1-inch diameter spade drill bit works well for this. Now drill a 3/8-inch diameter hole at the center all the way through.


    Measure and mark the center point on the end of the 36-inch-long piece. This is the vertical part of the table pedestal that will be attached using a 3/8-inch diameter wood lag bolt to the cross that you just put together.


    Drill a 1/4-inch diameter hole 3 inches deep into the end of the 36-inch-long piece. You want the hole in the vertical post smaller then the bolt threads so the bolt will have something to grab onto.


    Use a wrench to screw the 5 1/2-inch-long lag bolt through the cross base into the pedestal post.

Attach the Table Top


    Measure and mark the center of the round piece of 3/4-inch-thick plywood.


    Place the round piece onto the pedestal that you just finished by aligning it to the center mark.


    Use "L" brackets to attach the table top to the pedestal underneath the table top.



    Attach the wood veneer edging to the plywood table top using a simple household clothes iron.


    Set the iron on the hottest temperature and hold it against the wood edge veneer until it sticks to the plywood edge.


    Work your way all the way around the table top with the iron and veneer edge and allow it to overlap about an inch.


    Using a new razor utility knife cut through the overlap section exactly where the wood veneer ends to get a smooth edge.


    Sand the entire table and then apply your choice of paint or stain.

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