A great dining room set gives a finished look to a home, but many people don't have the funds to purchase large furniture sets when they are just starting out in their first homes. If you are lucky enough to own a home with a dining room, construct your own dining table with inexpensive materials. You can concentrate on spending your funds on really nice chairs while still having a table that will sit eight guests easily. Does this Spark an idea?
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Stand the cable spools up on end and inspect the tops. Pound in any nails that are sticking up, or remove them if they are bent or at an angle.
2Cut 6 inches from the long side of the plywood sheet, creating a piece that is 42 inches by 8 feet. Use a file or rasp to smooth any rough edges left from sawing.
3Place the spools so that the bases are 1 foot apart from each other. Lay the plywood sheet on top of the spools, checking to ensure each end of the plywood is the same distance from a spool as the opposite end.
4Drill four pilot holes through the plywood and into the spools to guide the screws. Make the holes in a line and situated so that each spool will receive two screws.
5Insert and tighten the screws to secure the table top to the cable spool bases.
6File off the corners of the table top so that they are slightly rounded. This will prevent the tablecloth from catching and tearing on sharp wooden corners.
7Spread the tablecloth over the plywood table top and arrange your chairs around the dining room table.
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