It's important to have a designated area for changing your baby's diaper. A changing table provides a space for you to lay the baby down -- the top should have a sturdy ledge to prevent the baby from rolling off -- and shelves underneath for storage of supplies. Keep the changing table well-stocked to make diaper changing efficient for you and safe for your baby.
Whether you use cloth or disposable diapers, keep at least three days' worth of diapers stored in the changing table. Having a large supply prevents you from running out, in case your baby gets sick and needs more diapers than usual or if something unexpected comes up and you can't make it to the store.
Keep a container of baby wipes and some refills close at hand. You might only need one or two for some diaper changes, but other times you might need a lot more.
Trash Can or Diaper Pail
There are different kinds of diaper pails available, some with filters designed to minimize odors. Whether you use one of these or a simple trash can with a lid, be sure to line it with a plastic bag. A trash can with a foot pedal is more sanitary than one with a handle on the lid.
Changing Pads
A changing pad provides comfort and warmth to your baby while she's lying on the changing table. Keep an extra changing pad nearby in case the one you're using gets dirty.
Laundry Bag or Basket
It's easier to toss soiled baby clothes and blankets into a laundry basket that's near the changing table than to carry them through the house to the laundry room. If you use cloth diapers, have a separate plastic bag near the changing table for the dirty ones.
Extra Clothing and Linens
Keep a variety of clean baby clothing nearby so that you're not tempted to walk away from the baby to get a fresh T-shirt. Keep a stack of clean burp cloths and blankets handy, too.
Hang a mobile from the ceiling above the changing table or brightly colored pictures on the wall to keep your baby's attention while you're changing his diaper. A radio or MP3 player docking station can provide a musical distraction. If your baby finds comfort from a pacifier, keep one near the changing table at all times for those late-night or cranky-time diaper changes.
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