Saturday, July 13, 2013

Decorating Wedding Banquet Tables

Decorating Wedding Banquet Tables

The banquet table, or head table, at a wedding is the focal point of the whole affair. The bride and groom, as individuals newly joined in union, sit at the center of the table. The table decorations should honor the new union as well as highlight the singularity of the banquet table. It is usually "dressed up" a little more than the other tables. Although it is important that the banquet table is the center of attention, it is also important to make sure it doesn't stand out too much from the other decorations.



    Decorate the banquet table like all the other tables in the banquet hall to begin. Use the same color scheme and the same fabric for the tablecloth. You will need more fabric to cover the table as the banquet table is usually for the bride, groom and wedding party.


    Start with the same flower arrangements. Add a few expensive, vibrant and unique flowers to the banquet table bouquets. Rare flowers like orchids are always a nice touch. Do not make the bouquets significantly larger than the bouquets on the other tables or the guests won't be able to see the bride and groom.


    Embellish with new decorations now that the basic table dressings are set. Add an accent color tablecloth. If your colors are green and beige, add a lighter or richer beige layer of fabric. Drape this fabric over the edge of the table so the contrast is visible, or gather it to create a bigger visual impact. Consider cloths of a different texture as well. Lace is a good option.


    Add small tea lights (in candleholders for safety) to the table. Distribute the candles evenly across the table.

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